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Embed product from your store on Vendo into Wordpress article
Embed product from your store on Vendo into Wordpress article
Aga Kappauf avatar
Written by Aga Kappauf
Updated over a week ago

Follow these simple steps to seamlessly embed products from your store into your content.

In Vendo

  1. Sign in to your Vendo account

  2. Go to Products section

  3. Use Search to find a product that you would like to embed to your content

  4. Click on the product name - you will be redirected to product detailed page

  5. Click Embed button - a pop up with code snipet will open.

  6. Click Copy to clipboard button to copy the product code snippet

In Wordpress

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard

  2. Go to Posts & find article to which you'd like to embed the product

  3. Open article in edit mode

  4. Add new Column block

  5. In the newly created Column block add custom HTML block

  6. Paste the previously copied code snippet into the custom HTML block

  7. Use Preview to review the embedded product before publishing

  8. Save your changes

  9. Publish changes if you're ready to go live.

Congratulations! Your Vendo product is now embedded within your WordPress article. Preview your post or view it live on your website to see the product seamlessly integrated into your content.

By following these straightforward steps, you can enhance your WordPress articles with Vendo products, providing your readers with a convenient way to purchase items directly from your article.

Happy embedding!

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